100% responsibility

Behind everything we do is a drive to strengthen our communities and protect the environment. Because our actions today will shape the world tomorrow.

Our breakthrough commitments

It may sound grandiose, but we see commitments as central to our Breakthrough Thinking methodology. Every day, we encourage leaders and organisations to think and act with 100% responsibility. So every day, we walk the talk ourselves – striving to make a positive difference to society and the environment. 

We’ve made a series of commitments that will help make sure we leave the world in a better state than we found it. All of us take 100% responsibility for these pledges. Now and always.

Our pledge: five steps to a better world

Targeting zero

We aim to have a net zero carbon footprint that takes into account every aspect of our business operations.

Waste not, want not

We’ll divert 100% of the waste we generate at our owned offices to recycling or composting

Safe from harm

We won’t work with companies who are harmful to people and communities – such as tobacco or armaments manufacturers

Give something back

We’ll improve the livelihood of our communities, clients, suppliers, employees – whoever our work touches. 

Live our values

Inspirational. Challenging. Impactful. Energising. Transformational. We aim to live these five values in everything we do – from our courses to our culture. 

How are we doing?

Every year, we issue a report that shows the progress we’ve made towards realising these goals. Soon to be released, our latest edition will show you how we’re performing.