Attracting, developing and keeping talent

Be the organisation they want. Get the talent you need.

Why address this challenge?

Promotions, pay rises and bonuses… the traditional toolkit for attracting and retaining talent is a bit broken. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, many businesses are facing a squeeze on finances and simply can’t afford to fund these escalating costs. Secondly, in many cases these are not the right tools for the job. There’s a time and a place for pay hikes, but often people are craving something more – a sense of purpose, choice and vision.

Problems we solve

“Our performance management approach isn’t motivating”
“Millennials don’t consider us an appealing brand to work for”
“Our managers don’t know how to get the best out of our talent”
“Our engagement scores are low”
“We need a more ambitious mind-set in our organisation”
“We need to find motivating career pathways for our people”
“We want our managers to be able to coach their teams”

How we help

It may sound simple, but the secret to finding and keeping talent is growing it. If you can harness and nurture the brightest minds, your organisation has an equally bright future.

At Achieve Breakthrough, we deliver development programmes which go beyond the ‘done that, got the t-shirt’ management clichés. We provide inspiring, authentic and transformational learning opportunities that develop your people – and your business.

We encourage people to adopt a learner mindset and engage with their greatest ambitions. We teach your leaders to inspire individualism, responsibility and purpose within your organisation. And we equip your people managers with the skills they need to keep improving your team, instilling a coaching approach to performance management.

See also: Performance management

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